El cerebro es tonto

El jueves 5 de junio de 2003, La Vanguardia publicaba en su contraportada una entrevista a la psicóloga M.ª Jesús Álava Reyes. Os copio un fragmento:


Nos enseñaron a caminar dándonos ánimos y riéndonos las gracias, pero todos hemos interiorizado que se aprende a vivir a base de golpes. El resultado es que a nadie se le olvida caminar y que muy pocos saben vivir. Las claves para no entender la vida como una tragedia, sino como un presente lleno de oportunidades que hay que aprovechar día a día, se resume en una afortunada reflexión: ¡no suframos inútilmente! Si controlamos nuestros pensamientos, controlaremos nuestra vida. Lo importante no es lo que nos acaba de pasar, sino lo que estamos pensando. “No es fácil -dice con una sonrisa la coordinadora psicóloga de la Escuela Infantil del CSIC-, pero es sencillo. Además, aprender a vivir es el mayor reto y logro del ser humano”.

Tengo una fotocopia de esa entrevista presente siempre en mi escritorio... y la leo a menudo. ;)

Albert López
Albert López
SEO, Content Marketing & Web Analytics Advisor

Back in 1998 I came across the Internet while studying computer engineering, and by 2000 its effect had me working on it. I have been a designer, frontend developer, programmer, usability specialist, SEO, entrepreneur, manager, mentor, consultant… In short, I have surely participated in 99% of everything that an internet business encompasses, and always with passion, enthusiasm and TEAM!

Throughout my career I have been lucky enough to be able to surround myself with people better than me and, thanks to an incessant curiosity and eternal thirst for learning, I have always been moved by the new, the unexplored, optimization and measurement, and especially the user experience and the positioning of content to convert.

So far, I have worked at Solostocks (Grupo Intercom), Softonic, Uvinum (a brand I was the proud creator and co-founder of), Drinks&Co Marketplace, and I have collaborated with maaaany startups. Nowadays I am involved in CryptoAdvisor.club and I am diving into the new crypto world (cryptocurrencies, cryptoassets, NFTs, Web3, metaverse, DeFi, etc).

Today, my professional journey continues to evolve. In addition to my involvement with CryptoAdvisor.club, I have joined as a partner and SEO Manager at Mindset Digital, a boutique digital growth agency in Barcelona. Alongside Hugo Palomar and Jan Almuni, we are expanding the horizons of marketing and digital presence. And as if that weren’t enough, I am also immersed in several ‘side projects’ that promise to be exciting. Among them are VinomadaWine, Logoteo, Escaperoos, and LeGoodAnfitrión, a mobile app that we are developing with great enthusiasm. I am always on the move, constantly seeking new opportunities and challenges that allow me to continue growing and learning in this dynamic digital world. If you’re looking for innovation, creativity, and experience, you’ve found me!

Find me if you are looking for something.

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